Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Home on the Range

A few years back, I had the pleasure of doing some landscape work on a farm in Fayette, Alabama. Fayette, like so many small towns in Alabama, still has vestiges of Andy Griffith's small town America.
Fayette is full of friendly folks that have plenty of time to tell a story to a complete stranger. Even the police wave at you when you drive by. Most of the retail stores close early on Wednesday and are definitely closed on Sunday (except, of course, the Wal-Mart, but at least it's located on the outskirts of town).
I enjoyed working out there, not only because of the town, but because of the farm. I fashioned a greenhouse, planted foundation shrubs around the front of the main home, and planted some large trees (picture at top) around one of the ponds during several trips there. When I was there, I would try to take in and enjoy some of the surroundings. I guess maybe the slower pace rubbed off on me a bit.
This was a cattle farm, but they also had some buffalo. I thought I'd share a picture I took of the buffalo coming up a hill at feeding time and another of a tractor silhouette at the end of an old barn.
Thanks for sitting a spell and reading my blog. Ya'll come back now, ya hear!

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