Thursday, April 10, 2008

Once a year

Once a year, this special plant, a gift from my friends Joe and Ann, blooms without fail. The plant is tropical, so I keep it inside during the winter. The blooms are awesome and the show will last several weeks. I thought I'd share the beauty of this plant to all visitors. I hope you enjoy it! Of course, Joe and Ann told me what kind of plant this is, but I am suddenly afflicted with memory loss. When I find out, I'll let you know. Or better yet, does anyone know what it is?
UPDATE: I have had correspondance with Joe and Ann! Ann says the plant is called Clivia. I knew that! After doing a little research, I'm finding that there is a cult of Clivia lovers all over the world. Clivia is considered a prized indoor plant and valued for it's beautiful blooms. While the orange flowering variety is most common, there are yellow and even pink blooming Clivia plants, as well.

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